Sunday, September 23, 2012

Wage Theft

Wage Theft

So I cannot guarantee that this blog will make sense by any means, I am currently writing this in the midst of the New England Patriots game and I am heavily distracted. So I do apologize if there is any miscommunication or if there are any sentences that tend to not make sense. I am not held accountable for them.

So equal pay is this weeks topic of discussion, well among other things, and this is a topic that has been an issue for years. Women have been fighting for equal pay for years. Why should someone of a different gender get paid less? This is where things get interesting and where the video needs to be watched. Now, I realize that I'm referencing a source that was not given, however, the video does throw out some statistics that are pretty mind blowing. In the past 45 years there has been only a 19 cent pay raise from 1965 to 2010. Woman make an average of 77 cents to every mans dollar. The margin of 23 cents is a major ordeal. So throwing some simple math out there, a CFO of say, Google is a man, and hypothetically he makes $500,000 a year. Now a woman who has the same exact qualifications and years of experience would only make $385000. That's a difference of $115,000. Really? Now of course the above math equation was all hypothetical, but it puts things into perspective.

Now on another note, PBS's little section on the stories of different people is quit the eye opener. Just to get a sense of how other people are treated and looked upon based off of their class. Ridiculous.

Now as for the other website, that talks about Wage Theft, is with any company. They, the company, just don't want to spend money and try to cut expenses as much as possible. However, they tend to take to try to spend less money on their female employees. Blasphemy!

Below is a a video that I found on youtube that kind of put things into a clear image.


  1. The video puts it nicely when they say how corporations would like to pay men less as well because they want to pay the least amount they have too. It's just possible for them to pay women less money.

  2. Unfortunately, yes. It sucks to say that but it is true. It is everywhere in society. My first job did that. It was a retail store and my ex-girlfriend worked there with me, and she made less money than I did, even though we had the same amount of experience. #sadday
